While Rachel did her morning school work the younger two enjoyed playing with the alphabet cookie cutters that arrived on Saturday. Ruth is recognising so many of them already.

I took Ruth to the doctor this morning as she has regular tummy ache and I am sure her iron levels dropped again in December. She has been eating loads of chicken liver pate for the last week or more and I praise God that already I can see an improvement in her energy levels. But I asked the doctor to refer us to an allergy specialist so that we can check that aspect of things. I was again so thankful for Julia who watched the other two while we were busy. What a blessing she has been to us (and always such a highlight for Rachel to go visit her).
We were excited to see that our French computer package had arrived when we got home and so Rachel and I started on it this afternoon while the little two had their nap. It's great because you speak into the microphone and it grades your accent. Rachel is about halfway between tourist and native on a couple of the words but I am sure will pick it up quickly.

We decided to go out for a cycle this afternoon and managed over 6km. We had a lovely ride on a different road and got back just as the rain started to fall. Within minutes of us getting home the rain really came down and we were thankful we had timed it just right. We all had wobbly legs when we got home though as we had a sprint on the last section of road (uphill too). It's always slower for me on the gravel drive (500m of it) so Rachel raced home to get the camera out.

Rachel decided to give Ruth her first Recorder lesson this afternoon. It was the basics of different
length's of notes, but it was really fun to hear Rachel "teaching" so well.

This evening Tiger spotted a hare in the garden and watched it with interest from the top of his "tree". I wonder if the two of them will ever be able to catch a hare. I am sure they will manage with the
rabbits, but the hares are so big. Much bigger than a fully grown cat. At least they do know it's a good food source - they really enjoyed the one I brought for them on Saturday.
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