By morning tea I already had 8 boxes packed and by lunch time it was up to 14. I had a bit of a break with the packing and helped Rachel with some of her unit study work. And then I thought I would get a final load of washing done too. After that my energy was up again and I had a productive afternoon too.
The problem room however - the study - had not been touched yet though. So my wonderful husband helped me this evening to really get stuck in. It was actually not too bad. He helped in deciding what could be thrown out (like the 12 year old books for fridge, washing machine and tumble dryer and a WHOLE lot more). And I was surprised that the big cabinet was emptied and we only filled two boxes with it all. I still have my desk to do tomorrow - but that cabinet was really hard to get started with. So I am it's done. We only finished at 11:30 and then at 3am Hannah woke up coughing terribly. So after giving her cough mixture and trying to get her to calm down, she was finally asleep by 4 (in the cot next to our bed) and slept till 8.
Another event on Thursday was that I got a call from a South African Rheamatological Paediatrician in Auckland. A face book friend had given me her contact details and I had left a message earlier in the week. So we had a good chat about Ruth's swollen fingers and she helped me feel a bit more sure that we are not missing something that for a SA doctor may be quite obvious. She also explained why x-rays would not actually help at this point and also spoke very highly of the two specialists that we have been seeing in Christchurch. So at least we also know now that we have the best available doctors in our area working on Ruth's case. It was such a blessing to chat through things with her. How good God is to orchestrate all these details so that a mothers heart may be more at ease.
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