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Playing with the toys at the hospital. |
After about 2 minutes I thought it may have stopped and so picked her up and held her in my arms. On looking into her face I realized she was still in the seizure. Her eyes had been pulling to the side earlier and now were forward, but the seizure was still going.
It then became a bit of a Tonic seizure with her head arching back. And it just kept going.
At 5 minutes we would normally give her a dose of Midazalam.
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She was so pleased I had the iPod with so she could listen to 10,000 Reasons. Her favourite. |
Asher had been a bit "grizzly" on Tuesday, having a few crying session for no reason at all. So I wondered if some infection was brewing. When this has been the case the fever often only shows after the second seizure in a whole cluster of them. So I felt safer just taking the hospital's advice and heading in. An added bonus with this was that we could keep giving her some oxygen. Although she had kept breathing and was still nice and pink, her oxygen level kept dropping to 85. Not too low - but it should be sitting between 95 and 100.
The cupboard under the sink was still sopping wet on Thursday afternoon. |
They were happy for us to stay for a couple more hours, just to make sure things had settled and then we could head home. Brendon managed to get off work before lunch and so picked us up just after 1. I was very grateful for this because Asher was very agitated at the hospital and kept wanting to leave.
As every hour passed through the day, I was thankful that there were no more seizures.
The passage cupboard got flooded too - and a whole stack of linen got wet (there was a hole in the bag they were in). A good full 9kg load of extra washing. |
On Thursday morning I called our insurance. I had put our de-humidifier on, in the passage, as soon as I got home on Wednesday, and we let it run on high through the night. It had not helped with the carpet though and it was still very wet. The insurance company helped me get a claim started and organized for a company to come out to assess the damage and help dry things out. They brought these two huge fans (which are very loud) on Thursday afternoon and we got those going. He did also note that the glue on the vinyl (in laundry, bathroom and kitchen) had been damaged and so that would need to be replaced. You could already see big bumps in the vinyl (and there are even more now on Sunday night as I write this).
On Thursday afternoon Brendon got home early enough for me to leave the younger 2 with him and so I had a nice bread, taking the older 3 to Brownies.
And then God blessed me with the most amazing sunset to enjoy on our drive home. It was truly magnificent and I felt the loving care of my heavenly Father as He reminded me of His wonderful care over every aspect of His creation. These last two weeks have been incredibly hard - but I know that He has a good plan in this all.
On Friday, Ruth, Asher and I headed into town for her first session at the Champion Centre. It was lovely to get to see the facilities and get to meet some of the ladies who will be helping with Asher. Unfortunately the speech therapist was not able to make it today (the lady Asher needs the most), but we still had a good time getting to know the other two teachers.
Unfortunately she had another "melt down" during the morning and I had forgotten to bring her teething powder with. She was just inconsolable for a good 10 minutes. I had been chatting to the physiotherapist during that time and eventually we decided to try outside - again. And this time we went far enough out that she saw the play area and that distracted her enough from her sore mouth.
After Champion Centre we went past my dentist so that they could check my mouth. The pain in the extraction site had been a bit better, but since Wednesday, when I started to not need to be on pain meds all the time, I had been struggling more and more with a sore ear on that side. I also had terrible sensitivity on the two teeth beside the "gap". She said my jaw on that side was warmer than on the other - so she prescribed a 3 day course of antibiotics. We picked them up on my way home and I got started straight away.
I realized I needed to get a children photo before the older girls left for camp - but the light was bad (and I am again having trouble with my "new" camera's flash). So not the best photo - perhaps we will re-do it next week.
The photo with the flash did get a great shot of Asher though. I can't believe how grown up she is looking. I think it's the long looking hair.
On Saturday I heard about a garage sale with loads of DVDs. So I headed off with Hezekiah for our "parent child outing" and we stopped in there first.
Once I had paid, the guy told me that Hezekiah could take the dragon on our way out. He said he had been so good and he liked the dragon so much. I had made sure he knew not to break it - but he spent quite a bit of time walking by it and talking to it. So when I told him the man had said he could have it - he was thrilled. What a happy little boy.
He had a fun time at the "new" park and was very excited about showing his dragon to Dad and Hannah when we got home. He walked in with it in his arms and the biggest smile on his face.
On Sunday Asher had a bit more time on the tramp. Brendon had taken her on it a little while ago. After chatting to the physio on Friday about all the things that I keep her from, I decided it was time to start looking into what she can perhaps handle. She wants to learn to jump - so enjoyed the little bit of bouncing she could do on the tramp. She bounced much more wildly on the couch inside - so I realized it was safe enough for her. Hezekiah and Hannah just struggled to not bounce her all over the place. At least she can get to enjoy this a bit though.
And although it sounds like a nice quiet end to the weekend, it was rather hard for me. It was our 18th Wedding Anniversary today and other than buying some ice creams for the family on my way home from fetching the girls, nothing else "special" happened. I have still been feeling rather ill and have been trying to take it easy (thus I did the driving for the girls on Friday and today - so that Brendon could do the harder job of watching Asher). I don't think this dose of antibiotics has cleared things properly though, as although the tooth sensitivity has finally improved, my ear is still very painful. So it's been quite a week.
(Note: I went to the doc on Monday morning. My ear is fine - so it must be referred pain from my jaw. So I started a 2nd course of antibiotics on Monday evening and hopefully they will help clear it properly. I do look forward to feeling better.)
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