On Friday last week we started a little experiment to see how much "motion" Asher's head could cope with. It came up with the Physiotherapist at Champion Centre as we discussed things that Asher does (and therefore things that I try to stop her doing). We decided that it was time to see how much she could handle. On Friday afternoon I let her spend a couple of minutes on the trampoline (tramp). Unfortunately, within minutes, she had an "episode" where she just went totally quiet. A little vacant seizure perhaps (not lasting even a full minute). Not enough for me to even write up - especially when she had a full on seizure just half an hour later.
On Monday (11 May) I encouraged her to practice her "rolly pollies" and she has not forgotten how to do them. She does actually do them on the couch quite a bit now - so I was not too surprised to see that she was indeed ok with this little bit of extra activity.

On Wednesday she went on the tramp in the afternoon again, and again she had a short little vacant episode (again not enough to write up - but a mental note made for me). She had not slept well during her nap, so also had a sleep afterwards (picture to the right). Brendon and I discussed it and decided that we would have to try it at least one more time to make sure it was not just coincidence.
So on Thursday I made sure I took her out in the morning. I had noted that in the afternoon the sunlight comes through our hedge - so going out in the morning would eliminate the light as the possible trigger.
I will also make the note here that on Wednesday night, Ruth prayed for Asher as she often does. It was more specific though - as she prayed that Asher would be able to go on the tramp - because she enjoyed it so much. She prayed that Asher would not have too many things that she would miss out on because of her seizures.
So it was to me, a wonderful answer to Ruth's prayers on Thursday, when Asher was able to have time on the tramp - and with NO seizure. It was the same on Friday (and the same the rest of the next week). We are so thankful that she can start enjoying this activity again. We just have to make sure it's in the morning when the light is direct and not through the hedge.

Left: Photo from Monday. Hezekiah had said he didn't want to listen to the story today, but it wasn't long before he was happily joining in as he normally does.
Right: On Tuesday (12 May) I got a photo of the girls in their uniform. Looking so very smart.

On Wednesday (13 May) I took this photo of the girls chatting to Nana on Skype. Nana calls every week and Asher is very predictable - she will go and say "hi" as soon as she hears that Skype is on. She even tried to say "Nana" today. And as soon as the sound goes funny, she points to her ear (as she has seen us do) to let Nana know the sound is off. :-) So sweet.

Hezekiah has been struggling with a cold this week. Just a runny nose and a bit of a cough in the mornings. Thankfully it has not developed to anything more or spread through the family at all.

We have been dosing up on extra Mannatech products (Vit C and ImmunoStart which just gives the immune system a great boost). Our other "go to" products when a cold starts are Olive Leaf Extract and Wild Oregano Oil caps. I am so thankful for the wonderful range of natural products we have available that can help so much.

I was especially glad that the cold had not spread to anyone else in the family, as that meant that Asher, Ruth and I could head off to the Champion Centre again on Friday morning (16th).
It was an odd day because the other 5 children who attend on Friday (3 before us and 2 at the same time) could not make it. So we had a great time with all three therapists at once. I think it was nice for them to get to know Asher more and get to watch her interacting with others too.
Ruth had fun with some of the toys too. I didn't get a photo, but there was a HUGE ball too (the same hight as Ruth).
The children often ask for candles at dinner time.

So with the shorter winter days this is becoming a very regular occurrence. It makes me so very thankful that this is our CHOICE - and not forced upon us by not having electricity. "Load shedding" in South Africa must be so difficult to deal with. I am so thankful that every time I start cooking a meal - I can get it finished. Electricity is something we take so much for granted. So although the candle lit dinners are a "treat" for the children, they also give us opportunity to be very thankful for all that we have.
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