Busy Tuesday as it normally is (so not even one photo taken).
Wednesday 20th - Asher wiggled her way onto my friend's lap for some of a story today. So sweet.
Hezekiah's warm clothes are a good indication of how cold it has gotten. The house is nice and warm, but it's freezing outside. So I insist they dress warmly. He likes trying out the different beanies that fit him and he is thrilled with the mittens that Ruth fixed for him.
Thursday 21st - Hannah returning from her blind fold adventure at Brownies today. I had fun sorting through a pile of photos I got printed AGES ago. I printed a whole lot for Nana and really do need to get cracking on sending them to her.
I also printed out copies of the parent-child outings and bought some photo albums (at such a great price on Trade Me). Hezekiah especially loves looking through photo albums.
I also got to enjoy my weekly time of reading. I am finally getting through a book I lent from a friend (probably a year ago already). It's been a real blessing to have this time of being totally "off duty".
Last week the speech therapist had suggested getting photos of toys and things that Asher regularly plays with. Ruth was my helper in getting a lot of the photos taken and she helped laminate the sheets too. The therapists were very impressed with them and asked that we bring them each week. We had a great time together again and I was again grateful for what I could learn from them. They said they all enjoyed being able to have the extra time with us and I think it helped them to even see Asher interact with the other therapists.
I always get so busy that I don't get the camera out much. So I have asked Ruth to become my Friday photographer.
Friday evening saw the girls enjoying helping Dad prepare the lobster we were given.
Hannah and Hezekiah didn't want to even try it - but the rest of us enjoyed the treat.
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