It was an early start this morning as we left at 7am. Rachel was so excited about today she got up really early. No one knows how early as she did not look at the clock - but it was before 4am (when Brendon got up). In our matching aprons and bonnets at the History Museum.
All the school children got dressed up and got their instructions for the morning. Rachel took the instructions very seriously - you can see how well behaved she is on the right there - sitting up straight with shoulders back. She had such a wonderful time. I will put all the photos on her blog when I get the time but for now I will just show you a couple of the highlights.
Hannah did not want to be left out so she got some scrubbing done.
Ruth had a turn in churning the cream to make butter. We all got to taste the damper (a scone like bread) and butter that they made.
A couple of the mothers (and grandmother) dressed up for the day too.
I made a special bread for today and wrapped all the items in paper to keep with the theme of the day (the bread wrapped in a tea towel). Rachel had "worked" in the shop and learnt about how they only had paper to wrap things - no plastic.
On the way home we stopped to get Ruth's blood tests done. Unfortunately they were too busy this morning when we stopped in - so this was not first choice. She was very tired and so she did cry with the prick. But as soon as I said "should we ask the lady if she has some lollies for you" she got very quiet. She was given a bottle with a few jelly beans in and I was so surprised by her generosity as she shared them with her sisters.

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