What an amazing God we serve that He would answer our prayers so very quickly. I phoned the owners of the place this morning and went around to have a look with the girls. She said that she would give us first option. So we headed back to take another look with Brendon after work and I decided to take some photos so you could see how wonderfully God is providing.

Then the Lord decided to answer many other small requests as well as blessing us with things that were far beyond our expectations. The first being the double garage that you see with an electric door. So both our cars can be parket at the house and only the work vehicle will have to be in one of the farm sheds a little from the house.
So let me walk you around the house. Just to the left of the garage is the wood shed. A nice big one. And although it is empty we do have a lot of wood that we can move here.
As you come past the wood shed you see the back lawn. With a veggie garden ready at the end of our garden. This was a "Lord, it would be a bonus if there could be a veggie garden".
But the Lord decided to give bonus upon bonus. Veggie garden to the right of the picture now and to the left you see a ready to go choock house (hen house). It even has a good open section behind it which is fenced in for the choocks to walk around in. So our hope of one day having our own eggs will be happening soon.
Then as you head around the other side of the house you can see the little entrance area between teh garage and the house. There is a door from the garage and there are many hooks on the walls for jackets as well as a good space for all those boots that line up outside the back door.
Adn then you come around to the front. A lovely sliding door off the lounge onto a cement patio is wonderful - a perfect spot for our garden furniture - I see us having many meals out there in summer.

Another bonus upon bonus was the lovely sandpit that is already in place (just off to the left of the photo). I had thought in the past about how nice it would be to have one, but the best we have seen is when they have a wooden frame built up off the groud and then perhaps a nice wooden cover. Well all we need now is a bit of new sand and the cover and it's ready to go. So perhaps our next summer will see the girls spending hours out in their huge sandpit.
God is so good. The rental of this house is the same as were we are now. It is available immediately so although we will only be officially moving in on the 18th, we can already start moving some things over (and only start paying rent from the 18th). We have had to give 3 weeks notice at our current home and so will only have 1 week overlap of rent.
I will take photos of the inside of the house once we have moved in.
Praise God for answering our prayers.
1 comment:
WOW! Stunning, God is so good!
We are so excited with you all.
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