It was lovely for our family to join Brian and Julia and their family for a HUGE Christmas lunch. There were over 40 people there and we had a lovely time.

Ruth had fun playing with the children as well as some of the older guests. Again she brought smiles to many faces.

Hannah missed her afternoon nap and was really restless. This lady came over and asked if she could give me a break (Hannah was climbing all over me). Well, she sad on her lap so
When she got given a present she chewed on the card for a while and then opened the present to find a lovely home-made teddy (made by Julia's Mom) which she then gave a good chew too.

Julia's Mom organized presents for EVERYONE. They had said "NO PRESENTS". But her husband said "what is Christmas without paper all over the floor" and so the organized a book for every child and a small present for every adult (and "lollies" or sweets in every adult present).
Here is Julia handing out the presents.
We had such a lovely day.
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