Friday, November 21, 2008


On Friday we headed up to Ohakune to spend the weekend with friends from South Africa. We last saw them at the beginning of 2004 (Rachel was almost 3 years old) when we moved away from the Natal Coast. They have been in NZ since April 2007 (just a few months more than us).
Yes, there is a lot of carrot farming in the area. This tiny town (although MUCH bigger than Hawarden) has 4 carrot washing and sorting factories.
Rachel and Caitlin were best of friends from the first minute. They had a wonderful weekend together.
Ruth followed her sister up the climbing ropes.
And Hannah even got to enjoy a slide.
Hannah has gotten so mobile that we had to put her in the camping cot (portable-cot) and so Ruth and Rachel slept "top and tail" (which was great fun for Ruth).

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