Sunday, May 7, 2017

A puppy and a tepee

Monday 1 May. School started up again today. Ruth headed off to camp, so in all the business I forgot to take the children photo. I will also leave the photo I took of her for a post with all the photos from her camp.
Asher likes separating the two sides of her domino collectors case. It was sweet to see her lining the one side up today.
Then she started throwing them, so I gave her two "containers" to throw them into so that we could keep it more contained rather than having them all over the room.
Tue 2 May: After two weeks of holiday and with grading coming up on Saturday, Brendon and Rachel got an extra practice in tonight and went to join the Rangiora group for their practice. It was really encouraging for them. They are both yellow belts, grading for yellow tab and hoping to skip up straight to green. There were some brown belts at the training (the next belt up) who didn't seem to know their stuff as well as Brendon and Rachel. They have always known they have a strict sensei, so it was nice to see why it's great to have his high standards.
Wed 3rd May. When I dropped Asher at preschool this morning, Lynda gave me this lovely arrangement for our anniversary. So very thoughtful of her and they are so very pretty. Then Brendon and I headed into town for my 12 week scan. You can see all the details here.
We got some shopping done while we were in town and saw this rug on special (under half price). Asher wasn't the only one who just loved it. We spotted all 4 younger children lying on it and just enjoying it's wonderful softness. Rachel likes it just as much and asked me to get one for her when I went into town with Hannah on Saturday.
At 5:30pm Asher had a 1 minute Tonic Clonic. Her ketones had been under 2 this morning, so I wasn't too surprised.
Friday 5th May: Josie brought their new puppy with this morning. Asher loved when it nibbled her fingers.
They played outside together too.

It was lovely to see Ruth playing with Hezekiah this afternoon. He wanted to get some batting practice in. He hit a few great shots.
Saturday 6th: Dave dropped off some wood today for the girls bedroom walls. Hezekiah enjoyed playing on the trailer. He always has some fun with Dave when he is here.
Brendon and Rachel were out for their karate grading this morning. Thankfully Brendon made it home just as I needed to leave to get to an appointment in town. Rachel had been invited to stay and have a practice with them afterwards, so she got to enjoy that. Brendon was also invited but had to get home so Hannah and I could leave.
My appointment was a free visit to a dentist, including having a good clean with the dental hygienist (we never spend the extra money on this). It had been organized for carers as a reminder to look after ourselves when we spend so much time looking after someone else. What a blessing. All these people giving of their time to serve us. I really appreciated it.
Hannah joined me for the afternoon and we got to get some shopping done and got loads of time to chat and just hang out. So although a busy day, it was great.

Sunday 7th: With the week being as busy as it was, I only got the monthly children's photo taken this morning.
At 1pm Asher had a 1 minute Tonic Clonic. Again so thankful it was short.
Yesterday afternoon Ruth enjoyed making a hut with Hezekiah. As we wanted to get the grass cut this afternoon, I asked her to get some photos before they took it down.
Little Miss enjoying being inside with them too.

The creators. :-)

The frame that they started with - thinking of just making a tepee. It ended up quite a bit bigger though. Good job Ruth and Hezekiah.

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