Wednesday, May 3, 2017

20th Anniversary and a new baby

Brendon had booked today off months ago so that we could spend the day together for our 20th Anniversary. So when I found out that I was pregnant, we discussed using the pre-planned day in town to get the 12 week scan done.
So there were many surprised people when I posted this photo onto fb after the scan.
Officially 11 weeks 3 days, but I thought it would be more like 11 w 5 days. Baby is measuring 11 w 6 days. So doing well.
A cute photo where it looked like baby was sucking its thumb.
The 4D photo didn't work that well as the umbilical cord was handing right in front of baby's face.
Still quite an incredible picture though.

The cord above baby very visible in this video.

Baby stretching its arm up in this short clip.

And then a bit of the 4D. Again, tricky with that cord in front of baby. Lovely to have the record though. A very active baby already.
And then we enjoyed a lovely lunch together. We haven't had ribs in ages. They were delicious.
I thank the Lord for the very special day we had together.

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