Sunday, April 26, 2015

Shadow gets a sister and a new home

Shadow has really missed having her brother around to play with over the last 6 months. And although the children love her very much, life is just too stressful for us to think about getting another dog. So we started looking for a new home for Shadow. One that would provide her with the canine family she so needs.
A friend suggested we get help from Second Chance Dog Rescue. They use their facebook page to advertise "private adoptions" and it didn't take long for someone to make contact with us. This family also sadly lost a dog 6 months ago. Their dog Honey now also needing a sibling. So we organized for them to come and have a visit today. Honey and Shadow got along straight away. The couple had fallen in love with Shadow when they saw her photos and it was solidified when they saw her and Honey playing so nicely together.
It was fun to watch them.
I was really impressed with Shadow too. She stood still and allowed Honey to give her a good sniff all over. Honey often goes to a dog park - so she knew exactly what to do. Shadow must have learnt quickly from her. It was really good to see.
Honey is just 1 year old. So they both still have loads of puppy energy and we could already see how much they would enjoy each other.
Hezekiah and Hannah started crying as soon as the decision was made that Shadow would head home with Honey today. Hezekiah came and gave her a hug and said goodbye.
Then the girls wanted a photo with her too.
It was very emotional to say goodbye to her, but we do also know that this will be so much better for her.
Her new owners sent this photo in the evening. These two had spent hours outside playing (and knocking water over in the process). I don't think I have ever had Shadow sit so still for a photo. She will sit nicely when you ask her to - but as soon as you start moving away she will want to come with you. So I could see she had already had a good play and some of that pent up energy had already been used up.
They even sent us a little video clip and we could immediately see how happy Shadow was. She settled in right away.
She is going to be an inside dog now too. Look at her already sleeping on their bed. :-)

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