Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Green garden and looking grown up

Saturday 25th: Brendon was pleased to get some work done in the ditch this afternoon.
Hezekiah having fun out there too.

Sunday 26th: Brendon out early in the morning raking up mostly sticks around the garden. Hannah did a good job helping pick it all up. It was lovely that he could actually get the grass cut, and that it needed it. The last bit of rain has finally got things turning green.
Asher was enjoying a cuddle with Ruth. It was so sweet to see her climb up and enjoy sitting on her lap. Normally Ruth will be the one who picks her up.
In the afternoon Rachel and I went to check out Possum and Pam's. The gift shop has moved premises and is now also a "cafe". So we both enjoyed a brownie for afternoon tea.
I took the opportunity in the afternoon to quickly get a family photo taken. On Thursday a lady will be coming to "interview" me about the free insulation we had put in last year. She said she would like to take some photos. When Rachel learned that it would be on Thursday morning (while she is at work) I could see she was disappointed. So it was nice to have this photo to give to the lady - which had all of us in.
Ruth gave Brendon and I a break this evening and became the "toy" for these two.
I had to smile this evening when Brendon got dressed for Church. Hezekiah immediately said he needed a shirt like Dad's. So he got his white shirt (with buttons) and was ready. Looking so grown up.
He also wears his sneakers to church and he loves church so much that he "gets ready" every day of the week. So out of all our children - Hezekiah is the only one that seems to always have shoes on. The others almost never have shoes on. ;-)
Monday 27th: Ruth made this person for Hezekiah today. He decided it was his friendly "monster". He played with it for a couple of days before it broke.
Asher saw the camera out and just kept saying "cheese" until I took a photo of her. :-)
A very happy brother.
On Tuesday I took the older girls to Ballet and St John again. Things have been finalized for Rachel's ballet for this term. As she doesn't want to be late every week for St John, but also wants to do her ballet exam - the answer is that she is only going to have 4 lessons with the rest of the group (and be 20 minute late for St John on those days). Then on 5 other weeks she is going to have an earlier private lesson with her previous teacher (who is running the older ballet lessons this term as their normal teacher is on maternity leave). Rachel is so thankful for how it has worked out. Her teacher has given her a program for daily practice at home. So it's going to be a "full-on" ballet term. Her teacher explained to me that these are the biggest exams - so she really does need to work very hard for them.
It also looks as though she is the only one in her group that is going to do the exam this year - so it might work out well for them too that Rachel can just focus on her exam work during her private lessons.

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