Tuesday, December 17, 2013

From my heart: Another bump

This morning at 5:30 Asher had another seizure. The background to this is that around 12 hours before she had a bad bump on her head.
She just loves playing with the box of cars and trains and it is right next to the plant pot stand (an old cd rack).
The children were all in the lounge and Rachel was aware of Asher playing happily with the vehicles (as she often does) and within seconds the cd rack had fallen on her. We don't know if she pulled on the leaves and that caused it to fall or if she fell backwards and bumped it over.
What we do know is that she got a nasty bump on the top of her head (which I saw straight away as it swelled up quickly) as well as marks from more of the knock above her ear (which I only noticed today).
I chatted with our homeopath through the day and it does seem that this seizure was again a result of a bump on the head (as with her previous one 2 weeks ago). She had thought about giving Asher a new remedy that was specific to seizures after head injury and after today's seizure she got the remedy in the post to us.
The first photo I posted was Asher having a good sleep after the seizure. And to the left is a photo of her having some fun with Hannah later in the day. All the photos are from today - you can see how happy the little girl is - not at all worried about the seizure start to the day.
It did however change my plans for the day. And that was a really good reminder for me of how much we take for granted. We go about our business every day and forget about how much we should be grateful for. There are thousands of people in the world living with illness or disabilities and who have challenges with many normal day-to-day activities. It also made me think about all the parents who are caring for sick or disabled children and how many hours they are giving each day to caring for their children. My heart has softened more to those who have these daily struggles and challenges.
What a reminder of how very blessed we are.
Again I thank the Lord for keeping Asher safe through the seizure and that she recovers so quickly. I am also thankful for Rachel getting up so quickly when I called her to help get things for me (as Brendon had already left for work). My heart was racing a bit in the first minute as I tried to get everything that I might need. Once I could just sit and talk to Asher my heart settled down and the Lord gave me His peace again. It was a blessing to just lie with her for the time afterwards as she slept peacefully. God is so good.
PS: We have now moved the toy boxes to a different spot on the book shelf so that it's a bit safer for her.

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