Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas biscuits and visitors

With ballet concerts behind us we could get started on the Christmas biscuit tradition. We got a batch of 300 made on Wednesday
and got our first packet sealed when Lynn arrived. I had just been thinking about how we would get their packet to them and then did not need to make any plans.
She came with gifts for all the children and I suggested they open them so that they could thank her straight away.
Bob and Lynn have been so special to us over the years that we have been here. They were our first neighbours and will always remain very special friends.
Asher's first ever present.
Asher and Hezekiah already enjoying their special books. They also both got lovely warm merino pants for winter (merino is just so lovely).
Thank you Bob and Lynn for your friendship and kindness.
Brendon needed to take something for their Christmas morning tea on Thursday - so we made sure we got at least 40 packets made for him to take with for everyone on the farm.
We actually like the fact that people are almost expecting them every year. It's a tradition we all enjoy.
On Thursday Rachel got another double batch of biscuits going (another 300 biscuits).
She mixed the dough on Wednesday but I did most of the cookie cutter work. Today (as there was less of a deadline) she spent time learning how to get it working nicely. There is a bit of a knack to it.
You can get the recipe here.
This year's verse on the card was
Luke 2:10 And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. 14 “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”
We had Grace visiting for a while in the morning and then Kerry and the others joined us for a indoor picnic lunch (just too wet outside unfortunately).
It's always lovely watching the different games that get played and how it changes over the hour or two. They all seemed to have loads of fun and I know our girls loved having them visit.
Their visit overlapped a little with a visit from another friend. What a treat to have stories from "Nana". Hezekiah then headed off to bed and I could get a nice visit in with her. It's a highlight of my week when she comes for a visit. I think we both end up being so encouraged in the Lord. We have so very much in common in our personalities and how we think and so it's always great to share how the Lord has been working in our lives and how wonderful and faithful He is.
Late afternoon saw the three of us getting seriously stuck into biscuit packaging. Our kitchen is not as big as the ones we have had in the past - so having 3 people busy worked well and thankfully Hannah was not too worried about not getting involved.
I think next year we will have to move to the dinning room table so that we can get Hannah and Hezekiah in on the production line.
We got 80 packets made this year and pray that God's word would work in many hearts during this time.

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