Friday, February 15, 2019

Happy 6th Birthday Asher

Rachel made Asher this beautiful cat cake for her 6th birthday today. Her birthday is tomorrow (Saturday), so we decided to celebrate today instead so she could share her cake with her class.
We always try to get a photo with the birthday child behind the cake. It was a bit more of a challenge with Asher. When she sees me arrive at school she automatically thinks it's time to go home.
A nice photo with her class.
And then when they started singing - well it was just beautiful. Her face just lit up.
She always loves singing Happy Birthday at church, so we know it's a song she loves. 
Taking an opportunity for more photos in the afternoon when Dad got home. And why not light the candles again. She enjoyed the singing so much in the morning we decided we would make her happy and sing again for her.
Such a special photo.

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