Wednesday, December 6, 2017

School prep and prize givings

And then there were 6!!! I'll try to add the last two years of photos to the video slideshow at some point. I started when Hezekiah was a baby and he is 6 already. :-)
Monday 4th Dec. This is one of Asher's "go to" activities when she arrives at preschool. The school has made a note to buy one for her for when she starts school next year. The Primary Principle and the 1st year teacher both attended preschool today to watch Asher and learn a bit about what helps her to keep calm and feel safe.
It gave us a bit of time to chat too. So I made use of trying out my new phone's camera while I was there for a few minutes.
Rachel loved Anastasia's ballet hands today.
It was a VERY hot day. Still 32 degrees after 5pm!!!
Anastasia often struggles with her stomach in the evenings. Dad has his favourite position to get his little ones to sleep. And he got a little shut eye with her.
With the end of the year so close a lot of things start coming home from school. Instead of keeping all the art photos (and then not getting to post them as I plan) I thought I would just post them straight away.
This was his self portrait.
It was funny getting the reactions from the family on what this was. A lot of us first saw a monkey - not the fireman putting the fire out.
Tuesday 5th: Anastasia in her spot for her sleep at Champion Centre today.
We had a lady from the Ministry of Education visiting with us today. She just loved how sweet Anastasia looked, so took these photos for me.
I really enjoyed spending time chatting with her and also getting her feedback that Asher really is ready for school. She pointed out many positive things that she could see in Asher through the bit of time she had there and so it was really encouraging.
At least I got a photo of Asher too - enjoying the mini parachute during her music time.
And then Anastasia, Ruth and I were out to join Rachel at the St John prize giving. Rachel received a few badges and her 100 hours community service badge.
She always looks very serious when receiving badges.
And then she also received her promotion. Joe presented the promotions and is always so pleased with the hard work the cadets put in to this achievement.
Getting her 2 stripes removed and replaced with 3.
And even Rachel couldn't help a small smile. Joe's smile being very contagious. Well done Rachel.

Rachel had a ballet lesson before St John, so we had left by 3:30. Hannah and Hezekiah had asked Brendon if he would take them to the pool. He was unsure about taking Asher but decided to give it a try (I had mentioned that last summer she had been to the pool a lot without seizures). They all had a great time but unfortunately Asher had a seizure while in the pool. It's made us a bit nervous about taking her back again. It has been so very hot though and he says she did so love the time she had before it hit.
Wednesday 6th: Asher missed out on her full morning at preschool today as she had a seizure at 10:30. She then had another one at 5pm. So a rough day for her. She started pacing again in the evening and so Brendon just gave her an extra dose of her medication. Unfortunately these pacing sessions are happening a lot more frequently now.

This evening Anastasia and I were out again, this time to the Te Kura prize giving as Rachel had a couple of certificates to receive. She has done very well in her English NCEA Level 2 this year and has worked hard on all her subjects. Well done Rachel.

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