Monday, September 4, 2017

Father's day and a day of fun

Sunday 3rd: Father's day today and the children came prepared with a number of cards for him.
We had bought a Toblerone for him last week, so it was nice to surprise him with one of his favourite chocolates (which he hasn't had for years).
Dad graciously shared his special chocolate with us for morning tea. Rachel and Daniel missed out as they left early for a walk and then a visit to the hot pools. When Asher saw chocolate she wanted her own piece. I had offered her a bit of mine but she got quite upset. She saw the size of the pieces others were getting, and she wanted the same. :-)
Not long after this, at 9:45, she had a seizure. She slept so long afterwards that she only woke a while after we had all finished lunch.
We had brought our pick up sticks, but there was a very nice fancy set at the house which the children have enjoyed playing with.
As a special holiday treat I bought some chicken kebabs and sausages for a BBQ. Today seemed a good day to enjoy them. The only problem was that it meant Brendon ended up doing the cooking on Fathers day. He said he didn't mind and he did a great job. It was a lovely lunch.
Ruth then worked on a big fruit salad for us to have as a late desert once Rachel and Daniel were back from the pools. Daniel then headed home. It was good that he didn't get away too late and was home before 5. We so appreciated his help at the house yesterday, so it worked out well that he and Rachel could get to enjoy some extra time together too.
Monday 4th: The day started with Asher having another seizure at 7am. Poor girl has had a really hard start to the month. She has had a seizure every day since Thursday (and 2 on Saturday). That makes it 5 seizures this month already and it's only the 4th.

The children have been enjoying playing cluedo and got a game going early this morning.
Rachel and Ruth then headed out for an early walk. I asked them to please get some photos. All but Rachel and I had gone for a walk yesterday afternoon after Daniel left (I stayed at home to sleep and Rachel had walked enough in the morning) and they didn't take any photos. So it was nice to get a look at how pretty the area is.

At 10 we headed out to get one of our hoped for activities done - going on these big bikes. We have often seen them when we have come to Hanmer Springs before, and so it was lovely to get to ride one ourselves.
I quickly realized that the cycling was too much for my stomach - so I switched with Hannah and Hezekiah and I sat in the middle of the benches and just enjoyed the ride while the others pedalled.
When we got back I asked the manager to take a photo with us all. Not the best photo as faces are hidden and we had changes seats. I had to laugh though when he said he hasn't been given a camera in ages. It's normally cell phones that he is given and asked to take a photo with. :-)
I was really thankful that Asher did so well. I wasn't sure how she would cope sitting up front there on her own, but she was fine.

Below - a shot of some of the mountains around Hanmer Springs. So beautiful with the snow.

Cuddles after lunch.
With her having seizures every day for a while we gave her an extra dose of medication in the evening. We forgot last night though, so gave her a double dose this morning. We could see the difference in her though. It was just too much for her little body.
I finally remembered to get the children's photo for this month. Unfortunately I couldn't get a smile out of Asher. She really is just not feeling herself today with the extra drugs on board. Thankfully the extra doses do seem to have stopped the cluster though.

Then Brendon took the older children for a game of putt putt. We had bought the "combo" with the bikes, so saved a bit on this.
Ruth taking a hard swing to get her ball up this steep hill.
Rachel took the camera and got this photo of Dad and some of the course behind him.
Ruth playing left handed.
And one handed.
Brendon had taken the camera and tried to get more photos. This is the only one he managed to get of Hezekiah playing as he and Hannah kept running ahead.
A nice one of Hannah.
The beautiful surroundings.
A predictable score card with the score going down as the age went up. :-) Even after all these years of not playing, Brendon is still good. I'm glad the children got to enjoy the afternoon with him.

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