Monday, June 5, 2017

Long weekend visit

Saturday 3rd June: Hezekiah spotted a container with our nice set of carpet bowls. In the same container was a big selection of marbles. Asher had so much fun with these today.
Hezekiah spent some time playing with her two. Lovely to get different ideas of what to do with them.
I had to smile when Asher got this book off the shelf and sat down paging through it. I wonder if she will be a book worm like Rachel one day.

Brendon was working this morning and unfortunately didn't make it home by 11:30 as he had hoped, so I had to cook the meat on the BBQ. In almost 10 years of being in NZ this was the first time I have ever used the BBQ. So I'm glad it went ok. Loads more stress than I would have liked this morning, but at least everyone got fed.
Daniel arrived just before lunch for a visit. With Monday being a public holiday he can stay till tomorrow afternoon and still have Monday at home with his family before work starts again on Tuesday.
After lunch the girls got their guitars out, so I gave him mine and they had a bit of fun together.
Then they all (except Asher) headed up to the park. Hezekiah had been looking forward to this the whole morning, so I'm glad the weather was good enough for it (even though a bit cold - at least it was dry).
In the evening Asher enjoyed having the marbles in this bigger container. She enjoyed making a lot of noise with them. :-)
Getting some dishes done together.
Sunday 4th: Yesterday Rachel and Daniel filled the wood box and while they were busy he noticed that some of the boards were loose. So he fixed that up yesterday. Today he fixed our bookshelf. Asher had nocked her back off it, so it was good to get it put back and attached securely.
Thanks Daniel for bringing your "toys" with to help us with these jobs.
There were a lot of games played over the weekend, and they didn't stop when Daniel left. Another game of Cluedo junior (who ate the cake) was played this evening. It was bought for Hannah for Christmas but played for the first time on Saturday.
Monday 10th: With a public holiday today I was pleased to see that the game playing continued. Here they are playing Children's Charades. I think they had forgotten about our cupboard of games. Lovely that they are getting games out that haven't even been played with before.
Rachel is in the background back to her school work. She could only start with the correspondence school (for free that is) in April when she turned 16. So although she missed out on 2 months, she still wants to get her NCEA level 2 done by the end of the year.

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