Saturday, February 13, 2016

Learning here, there and everywhere

Tuesday 9th: It's always so sweet to see Little Miss go and cuddle up with Shadow.
Ruth had some fun with trying to take some selfies with Asher this morning.
I don't think Asher quite understood to smile. :-)
Tuesday morning is always very busy for Rachel and I as we prepare food for lunch on Tuesday as well as Wednesday's packed lunch. On Wednesday Hezekiah is at pre-school and Ruth, Asher and I are travelling back from Champion Centre at lunch time. So it's great to have all the meals ready to go. I always feel a little overwhelmed but have finally gotten a list of who needs what and I'm getting better every week. Hannah especially enjoys her Wednesday school lunch.
Wed 10th: Asher's OT always has so many new and exciting games for Asher to try.
Getting some time outside too. I think this was her first time in one of these little cars and she loved it.
Asher has a "play room specialist" too who gets specific toys and activities out in the play room to work on any weaker areas. Emma gets to know each child and thinks very carefully about what activities would be good for them.
Thursday 11th: Ruth had the camera out again. She just loved Asher with this cap on, so tried to capture some of the fun she had with her.
This week saw St John and dancing start up again. This year Rachel has ballet practice for a full hour (previously it was just 45min) twice a week (Tue and Thu). Ruth will be doing Ballet and Jazz on a Thursday now (rather than Tuesday). As we are travelling for Rachel anyway - it works out well. She is able to be in older, more fitting groups this year. So I am really pleased about this change. Even though it's an extra day out for us.

Friday 12th: I finally got to unpack some on-line shopping this morning and gave Hezekiah these extra cards and books that were put in my box. They are old stock, so were just given away. He was very excited and it's great math practice for him. He knows most of his numbers now and so carefully looks at the order of the 3 numbers (they start at 110) and then finds the matching number in the book to put the card in.
Ruth enjoyed it too.
This evening Hannah enjoyed building with the blocks that recently came out of the garage. Asher saying "cheese" to be in the photo too.
I wanted a close up of the tower, and Ruth decided to photo bomb. :-)
Saturday 13th: After lunch today Brendon and the older 3 girls had an extra Karate practice as they have their first assessment next weekend. Hezekiah always wants to get his gi on when they get ready, and it was no different today. Except for the fact that he got very hot with the long sleeved top on. So that soon came off. It was rather sweet having Little Miss enjoying a nap with him.
In the evening Ruth did another part of her final Brownie badge - making music with water in glasses. She really enjoyed this and Hannah was pleased to have a go too.
It was only after the glasses were washed and packed away that I realized that one of the glasses was a different shape (confirmed when I looked at this photo). I couldn't figure out why it wasn't in tune with the others. ;-)

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