Friday, December 11, 2015

Dress rehearsal, trophy and a hedge

Sunday 6th: This afternoon I headed outside to get some weeding done along the new hedge. It was looking so overgrown and bothered me every time I looked outside. So it was great to get it done.
Again I was thankful that Brendon gave me that time to get out and he took over with watching Asher.
While I was busy I heard Hezekiah playing on the deck. He was a Jedi with his lightsaber. We have some Star Wars fans in the house now. :-)
I called and asked that a couple of photos be taken.
So Hannah joined in with the fun too.

Tuesday 8th: I had a nice surprise this morning when I learnt that Brendon had taken the day off. I asked him if he would mind watching Asher so that I could get more work done on the ditch. I had done a bit on the weekend (you can see in this photo that the road side had been cut) but the weed eater had given trouble and wouldn't start - so I was forced to stop. It was really pleased when it started up without any trouble today.
It was really rewarding to get so much done. And it was a real treat for me to have the whole morning to myself.
I got so many lovely birthday messages on facebook and I had to smile when I read all the wishes for being "spoiled". I felt very spoiled today and it didn't look at all like what people may have expected. :-)
During lunch Asher started crying and could just not be consoled. By 2 I had headed off with the older girls for Ballet practice (dress rehearsal for Hannah and Ruth) and Brendon ended up having to deal with Asher's terribly crying a couple more times through the afternoon and evening. We don't know what was upsetting her and it is very difficult to know what to do.
I was so thankful that I had received a break from that too today. It is very hard on me emotionally when she cries like that, so I was so thankful for Brendon's care for her today. He was exhausted by the time we got home though.
As soon as their dress rehearsal was over, we headed to St John for the end of year prize giving.
Right: Rachel and the Love girls leading the girls in the Waiata.
Left: Ruth receiving her badges.

Left: Rachel receiving her badges.
Right: Rachel and her team from competitions receiving their certificates.
And then Rachel received the Girls 13 and over cup. Well done Rachel.

Below: While we were out, the tree trimmer came to cut our hedge. It was really overgrown as we had left it too long. So it was good to finally get it done. Brendon only got half an hour notice for their arrival though - so it was not ideal to have it all happening today.

All the branches that need to be moved off the road side. And such a busy week that it's not going to happen as soon as we would like.
Wednesday 9th: It was nice to have a quiet day at home today. Our neighbours gave the children this "Pop the Pirate" game and it was really sweet to see Asher playing with Hezekiah.

Thursday 10th saw us head up to Hanmer Springs Pools for Ruth's Brownie end of year function. There are so many photos that I will put those in their own post.
Friday 11th: Fun at Champion Centre today. Asher legs are long enough now to ride on this bike. You strap their feet onto the pedals and so when you push them, they get the idea of their legs going around.
She eventually spotted the sandpit and helped us open it up. The only problem was that she enjoyed lifting this fork up into the air with sand on, so her head got full of sand.....
I can't believe we only have 1 more session with these lovely ladies. Next year Asher will be moving up to an older group, with 5 sessions through the morning rather than her current 3. We will go on a Wednesday rather than a Friday, so will have different therapists. We will miss these ladies as they have become good friends.

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