Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The container is here

We were really thankful that the container was delivered today as planned. There were high winds yesterday afternoon when they wanted to pick it up, but managed to pick it up this morning.
For those who don't know - we will be renovating it, creating 2 bedrooms and a living room. Perhaps if finances allow we will add a toilet and even a shower.
As Brendon predicted, he had to drive down the road and turn around. The only way to get that length into the property was from that side.

If you are wondering about the grey strip of paint - they pain over the logos before the container leaves - so they just paint what they need to.
A nice open gap for him with the fence moved (and the main reason we didn't want a delay with delivery - we want to get that fence back asap).
Easily drove into position.
Very close up front though - but he didn't seem to be worried. We did know that the swing lift can put it down at an angle (like now - closer to the truck up front, but further away at the back).
Legs out.
And down.
Then the lifting begins. Just 4 chains on the 4 corners.
The children safely watching. It worked out well that the container arrived after Asher had gone to bed. So I could just keep an eye on her on her monitor and get the photos taken.
Lowering into position.
Checking that it's nicely lined up.
And down it goes.
I was so glad Brendon popped home from work to help direct things.
Then the chains are unhooked.
And the swing lift gets tucked back.
Hezekiah had such a treat. He asked Hezekiah if he wanted to help him move the swing lift back into place.
I love how everyone is watching what they are doing and how it's working.
Getting some instruction and a bit of help.
He was so pleased. And you can see here that he was doing it on his own now. Brendon had been watching over his shoulder and said Hezekiah instinctively knew which one to move and which way to move it. What a great driver to give Hezekiah such an amazing experience.
And a talented driver to get himself out. It was a rather tight fit.
Helped by Brendon directing from the drive too.

So the container is here. Now to slowly collect all the things we need over the months, as finances allow and as good prices come up.

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