Saturday, September 12, 2015

Our first day with Shadow

Hannah travelled with me to town this morning to fetch Shadow. I didn't get a photo of the time when Shadow had her head on Hannah's lap. But this is still a nice photo as it shoes the joy Hannah experienced today.
Our van is perfect for Shadow to travel with us, as she spent most of the time lying on the floor at Hannah's feet.
After lunch Rachel, Ruth and I headed out for a walk with Shadow. Ruth took these photos and then headed back home, then ran around the other way to meet us. She wanted to get some running done.
This area is so very different for Shadow, with so many animals around and huge open spaces. So it wasn't a surprise that she struggled a bit with this walk, pulling quite a bit.

She is so quick to learn. Jess had recommended that we decide before she arrives where she is and is not allowed in the house. So we made the lounge and dinning room her rooms for during the day, and she quickly learnt she was not allowed in the kitchen.
It ended up being a nice spot to get cuddles.
She is having to adjust to all that she can see from inside the house. She spotted a cat and a horse this afternoon and barked at them. So we spend some time sitting with her reassuring her that it was all fine. We will have to make sure we walk past the horses more often too, so that she can have a better idea of what they are so they don't worry her.
Rachel took the opportunity to give her a cuddle and enjoy Shadow putting her paw on her arm as she stroked her.
And then Hezekiah enjoyed a cuddle there too.
We had to laugh when Asher kept finding soft toys in the toy basket, and taking them around the room.
She was very gentle with them, and gave them to us when we asked. We hope that it won't take her too long to enjoy the toys we have bought for her. It seems however, we may need to choose a teddy to give to her.
Some more cuddles and rubs.
And hugs.
And then Hezekiah found she worked really well as a pillow.
You can see how patient Shadow is. And I think she just loved all the attention she got today.
And then Hezekiah and Hannah wanted to walk with Shadow too, so I headed out again with the younger 4 (Rachel took the photo as we left). Brendon is not able to walk much yet after his knee op on Thursday.
This walk went so very well. So well that I was able to let Ruth and then Hannah lead Shadow, and she walked just as well with them. Ruth even got a little jog in with her. I also managed to walk with Shadow while I pushed the pram. She walked right next to Asher with a relaxed lead.

Enjoying some cuddle time with me.
Ruth using her as a pillow as I got dinner ready.
Shadow headed under the dinning room table at dinner time, and got to enjoy a massage from 3 pairs of feet, which she seemed to really enjoy.
And then Ruth wanted to do some "tricks" with her. Thankfully Shadow is happy to even get bits of carrot as her rewards - so that was her "motivation" this evening.
"Begging" so nicely for Ruth.
And crawling forward for Hezekiah.
I was thrilled when after a few tries through the day, she eventually played a bit of tug-of-war with me with this toy. A little later she even picked it up to give it a chew - I was so pleased.. So I am confident she is settling in very quickly indeed.
Ruth was in the kitchen preparing some salad things, and Hezekiah and Hannah were keeping her company (really watching what she was doing, and waiting patiently for their food). So Shadow finally had a quieter room with Asher. It was really sweet to see her head over to have a look at what Asher was playing with.
Unfortunately by the time I had my camera out, one of the other kids had come in and distracted Shadow. So I called her back to Asher and asked her to lie down and then stay. She happily sat lay there watching her for a while.
So relaxed. And what a special picture.
We do pray that these two can develop a really good relationship - despite all the other children in the house. I am sure one the initial excitement dies down, these two will get more time together.
Hezekiah and Hannah enjoyed lying with Shadow a bit before bed. What a special dog.
Below: And once the younger two were in bed, Shadow headed over to her lounge "bed" for a rest. I was so pleased to see Puss sitting so close to her. It has been so helpful that Shadow has ignored her for so much of today. It gives Puss the time she needs to adjust to this new family member.
So we have had a wonderfully successful "first day" with Shadow and we thank the Lord so much for orchestrating all the details that made this happen. And we thank Jess (Shadow's loving owner) for giving us this amazing gift of love.

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