Sunday, May 10, 2015

Seizures, cement and special treats

On Friday at 4:30 Asher had a 2 minute vacant seizure. She wasn't breathing well through it. Thankfully after her recovery sleep she was back to her happy playful self. Look at this cheeky little monkey. :-) I can't help but smile when I see this precious little bundle of joy.
On Saturday morning she had a 1 1/2 minute Tonic Clonic seizure at 8am. It started with a shout, and her falling over. Her breathing was thankfully ok. She only slept for about 30 minutes (rather than her normal hour) and was really restless and unsettled. So I gave her a homoeopathic remedy my homoeopath had suggested the last time we had this, and again it worked really quickly. She was soon fast asleep, had a nice 45 minute sleep, and when she woke she was back to her happy self.
We were not too surprised with the 2nd seizure this morning. That seems to be the pattern over the last month; single, pair, single, pair. We were thankful that it was limited to just the two.
On Saturday the children enjoyed watching the cement being poured for our new neighbours bridge (for their drive way).
On Sunday morning I got treated to Breakfast in bed. Thank you Rachel, and for the special letter too.
We have never been a family that does anything special for Mothers Day, Fathers Day (or even Brendon and my birthdays). Ruth however was on a mission this last week to try and get something special organized. I often heard her whispering to Brendon. So when Rachel chatted to him on Saturday night, this was his suggestion.
The girls also sang a song for us that they have been practising. I love they Ruth harmonises with Rachel so beautifully.
I asked Hannah were she wanted to go with Brendon after lunch. She was very excited to head up to the school play ground as well as heading over the road to the flying fox.
Another treat for me today was getting a whole lot of sorting done. These bags of clothes all ready to go to someone else who can use them. It may seem strange - but this was a perfect "mothers day gift". I have had a few boxes and bags of clothes around for a while, and it sits in the back of my mind that I need to get it sorted. It was nice to get new clothes items added to a few of the children's wardrobes, as well as clearing out things that they were not going to use any more.
And when the children arrived home from church this evening, I got lovely cards from Ruth and Hannah too.

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