Sunday, February 8, 2015

My little monkeys

Friday 6th. Above: Asher playing peek-a-boo with Dad on our bed.
Left: Hezekiah was a bit grumpy this afternoon and said he didn't want to listen to Noddy. So I said Ruth should just read it out loud for herself. It wasn't long before I saw this. :-)
Ruth managed to get a photo of one of Asher's favourites cats on her "Music Colour" iPod game.
For ages she would stick to just going to the cats in each colour category. She is slowly starting to enjoy others too (the pink pigs and the white horses coming up regularly now too now).

Left: You can see Hannah enjoyed a LONG bath today.
Another items the girls wanted on their daily "to do" list was music. Hannah wanted to have her name on with her older sisters, so she gets regular recorder lessons from Ruth now.
Today the lesson only happened just before bed time.
Saturday 7th: At 8am this morning Asher had a 2 minute Tonic Clonic seizure. Just 3 days after the last one. It's become almost normal now for her to be having 2 or 3 seizures a week since she started the new medication in December (rather than 1 every 2 weeks which we had for quite a while before that).
Brendon took Hezekiah, Hannah and Ruth down to the pool this afternoon. Hezekiah sure does love his wetsuit.
The water is already cooling off though. It looks like we only had one intense month of summer and are already heading into autumn type changeable weather.
I took this photo of Ahser on her monitor this evening. She just loves playing with the back of this toy. She does up all the Velcro straps and then pulls them all off. This goes on over and over again.
Sunday 8th.
Below: Hezekiah kept taking "photos" of everyone with this camera. So they did some "selfies" too with funny faces. I decided to get some real photos of the fun too.

Brendon took the older girls to church this evening. So I got to spend some time with my 2 little monkeys.
Asher has now joined Hezekiah in regularly doing head stands on the furniture.
Cute little clown.
My two little monkeys.

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