Monday, February 16, 2015

Happy 2nd Birthday Asher

Our traditional present opening time.
Ruth always enjoys being close to Asher.
Balls and a cat - the two things Asher absolutely loves. :-)

It was great having Brendon home today. It helped us all recover from the weekend away and it also gave me time to make Asher's cake. I had baked it before we went away and left it in the freezer.
The older girls helped make the balls of wool with the left over fondant.
The cake turned out better than expected. Although it was no where near the example I had found on the internet.
This cat ended up a lot fatter than I had pictured. I think with this being my first 3D cake - I was a bit nervous with the sculpting - worrying that I would cut too much off.
Asher was thrilled with it - and that's actually all that counts. :-)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our precious little Asher.

Listening to "Happy Birthday" being sun again. It had been sung many times through the day. :-)
And a bit of help blowing out the candles.
And for anyone wanting a close up of the face. Using marbles for the eyes worked really well.

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