Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas swim and seizure

Enjoying some presents on Christmas morning. Ruth helped wrap most of them - so she got her wish and did the handing out again today.
Then we had a chat with Nana and by 10am we were already at the pool.
Asher just loves the little pool and the independence of walking around it on her own.
We had the pool all to ourselves. :-)
Hezekiah was pleased with the wings and turtle he got to use today (although not too pleased with having to stop for a photo).
Asher runs in this little pool. She doesn't even want to hold your hand - so independent and having SO much fun.
Then she discovered how much fun it was to "jump" to Dad in the big pool.
Hezekiah's floating aids helping him to have a bit of independence in the big pool too - which he was thrilled about.
Unfortunately at 4pm - Asher had a 5 minute seizure. We had been invited to different things in the afternoon but were rather glad we had chosen to just have a quiet afternoon at home.
Thankfully after her normally hour-recovery-sleep she felt fine and happily played till past her normal bedtime. That is one of the difficulties with these seizures. They through her schedule out so much as she generally needs that good hour sleep afterwards to recover properly.
She is getting really good with this stacking toy now. She recognises all the circles very quickly (the first shape she learnt) but is starting to differentiate between the rectangle and square as well a the triangle and pentagon.
And look at her lovely dress (just excuse the fussy photo as she was moving so quickly).
And enjoying her bike inside too as it's been so hot outside during the day.

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