Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sun and snow

Monday 10 November. I was struggling to get myself motivated to get to Zumba tonight. Ruth also has a cold - so she could not join me. Hananh decided she would like to come with though - and it did help me get out the door.
So this ended up being our "parent child" outing for this week. We had a good chat while driving there and back.
Tuesday 11 Nov. Hannah was Asher's travelling companion today for her repeat EEG.
As a treat and a thank you Hannah, I got some ice creams on the way home. Asher enjoyed the ice cream too. I gave her my stick with some left on it and she did really well.
Wed 12th. It is amazing to have had SO much snow fall at this time of year. It's made some days really cold too.
Left: This photo focused on the green but I put it in here to remember how pretty it is at this time of year. It's the one time in the year that everything seems green. And it does not last long. Soon most of the grass will be brown and dry from the hot summer. It's so beautiful to have all the deciduous trees full of their fresh new leaves.
Quite a dumping of snow.
Thursday 13th. Hannah is trying to get Hezekiah interested in helping her sort the socks. Not sure if that is going to work. :-) It's her job, and one she does not enjoy.
Friday 14th. It was a public holiday today and although Brendon had to work, he was home by lunch time.

So he took the middle 3 up to the park for a "bonus" outing.
Fun on the monkey bars for the girls, so Hezekiah used this lower one as monkey bars for himself.

So much fun.
I had thought Asher would sleep while they were out but she was struggling to get to sleep. So Brendon said he would go to her. He decided to just lie down with her and this was what I found a little later. I am so glad he got a little rest too.
As part of a Brownie badge Ruth had to come up with a recipe for someone with allergies She changed a apple muffin recipe to a gluten free one. Here she is sprinkling them with cinnamon sugar (although it's xylitol - not sugar - so good for a diabetic as well).
Saturday 15th. I finally got some photos today of Hannah and Hezekiah with their tent.
Shadow even joins in the fun with them.
It was so windy today. They would stand and watch the tent blow across the garden and then at the word - they would run after it and drag it back to the starting point.
The wind died down a bit after lunch and so Brendon and Ruth headed up frog rock.
Such a nice time for them to get to chat.
A photo on the train track. Brendon just not used to not wearing sun glasses when it's so bright. :-)
Hezekiah was tired out today from all that running and had a little nap in the afternoon. The girls thought it was so cute, so Ruth took this photo of him.
Sunday 16th. Ruth now makes chocolate pudding and a chocolate oat breakfast with her weekly food order. So she is getting more opportunities to use the vitamix and master a few more recipes.
We took these photos for her Brownie "cooking" badge.

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