Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday evening

On Thursday evening Brendon went to Lowenbraukeller for dinner. I think it's quite an experience to just have dinner with 800 guests.
Brendon didn't have the camera with, but Andrew took a few photos for us.
They wanted to give the guests a taste of what it was like at the Beerfest, so the entertainment was very typical of what you would experience at the Beerfest.
"When we arrived we were given a red drink which when I tasted it, must have been some kind of beer. They had berries in the bottom of it and we drank it through a straw.
Before any beer was served at the meal, they had the traditional "opening of the first cask." I didn't try any other beer (I was on the hard take of Coke). I saw many litre jugs of beer being drank though. The waiter would hold 13 jugs of beer at once - with no tray. It was incredible to watch.
Interestingly the next morning I heard some of the men saying that the beer must be brewed differently as none of them had hangovers. And they drank enough the night before because some of them could not remember how they got back to their hotels.
Andrew took this photo at the entrance - the ox that was served for dinner. When I entered there was a lot more meat on it.
The photo does not do it justice. This rotisiry was huge. It was about a meter wide and two meters long."
This was the platter for starters.

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