Sunday, October 19, 2014

Museum and dinner

With our train delay we ended up having an extra day in Munich, so we decided to take the underground to the Museum.
We managed to figure out the map with the help from a local.
It was incredible to see how quickly the trains go. And to think it was busy slowing down as it raced past us.
And the station is really long too. We came down on the side that was closest to the hotel entrance. Someone at the hotel had told Brendon about the entrance way up the road. The station being directly under the road the hotel is on.

This is the Deutsches Museum - Masterpieces of Science and Technology. A world famous museum and the biggest museum of science and technology in the world.

With perhaps the biggest guitar? :-)
We spent most of the time at the children's section as Asher was by this stage tired of being carried around. I was glad they let us in as it stated for children ages 3 - 8.
Having fun making music. The drums were also so much fun.
She played at this area twice. The first time was on the opposite corner in this picture - and she just took out all the coloured "lego" blocks.
Then when we came past from the other side she decided it was time to get all the wooden blocks out.
Brendon and I were both struggling with sore throats, so we were happy to just sit and rest while she "worked".
What fascinated me was when she started taking the blocks and placing them in very specific spots. She would walk up and down and seemed to know exactly what she was doing. Brendon thought she was perhaps drawing some hidden picture. :-)

I just noticed all the pairs. :-)
I just noticed all the pairs.

She loved having a drive in the old fire truck.
And then pretending to be a little hamster, running in this wheel. She had so much fun on this and was laughing away.
Our attempt at a selfie in the aeronautics section. It was very impressive. Our photo didn't do it justice though - so I took another one with Brendon (below).

The Marine Navigation section was also very impressive. I quickly took this photo as we were heading out to give you the tiniest little idea of how much they have. Full scale displays taking up 3 flours - down to small models of so many different types of ships.
We also quickly walked through the musical instruments section and were amazed at how many instruments they had. For every instrument you can think of, they probably had one to 3 dozen different types.
The Museum is located on a sandbank in the Isar river. So it was nice to get this photo with the river.
A fellow tourist wanted a photo taken of them, and he returned the favour and took a few photos of us too.
Sweet little girl. And yes, even though it was Autumn in Germany - it was an incredibly hot week. I am glad we had t-shirt and shorts for Asher. I just wished I had shorts and jangles for myself. I actually struggled with the heat.
We headed out to see if we could get something for dinner (knowing that the shops are closed on Sunday) to find that all the fast food places were closed too.
So we ended up in the Hotel restaurant for dinner. Soon after arriving they brought out a bowl of bread rolls. We said "no thanks" and explained that we were all gluten free. We were so surprised a little later when she came out with these delicious gluten free rolls. She told us that when we arrive for breakfast we must just let them know and they will get some baked for us too. They just need a bit of time as they are baked to order. They really were delicious. It's been a long time since I have had a roll with butter - so I looked forward to enjoying them again the next morning. :-)
We ordered some veggies for Asher and were so pleased with the lovely selection she got. She loves broccoli and cauliflower - so she was very pleased. Just needing Dad to blow them a bit for her. :-)
And although I feel very funny taking photos of food - this salad promised to be SO good that I took a photo to remember all that was in it. Fried mushrooms, avocado, and mango. It really was delicious - and beautiful too. :-)

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