Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hezekiah's Muddy Puddles

8:11 What a very wet start to the day. The small ditch on this side no where to be seen.
The big ditch on the other road not only full but overflowing into the garden.
9:35. Down just a little bit as you can just see the stones along the bed.
Midday. Still so much water about. This is the field next to our house. A little pond today.
Almost the whole grass section outside the property covered in that section.

After lunch the children headed out. Hezekiah was the most excited about going out to play in the "muddy puddles".
Hezekiah, Hannah and Ruth had such a fun time out there.

Rachel took some photos from her bedroom. We have never seen so much water around the house.
Completely saturated. And the water was just running so much still that it sounded quite pretty - like having a little water fall outside the window.
I am glad the children got to have so much fun. I think some special memories were made today

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