Sunday, February 16, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday Asher

Our traditional "open present" time once everyone was up.
Thank you Nana. Although the challenge is still for me to think of what to buy them from you. This time it was such an easy choice as both Asher and Hezekiah have loved playing on this type of game when we have been out over the last month - so I knew it would be very much enjoyed. I can't believe after almost 13 years of parenting we have never had one of these. A definite favourite with the children (even Hannah has been spotted having fun with it today).

Hickory Dickory Dock, the mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck ONE!!!
Happy 1st Birthday Asher.
The idea of the cake is from Ruth's 1st birthday but I don't think they mind with number 1. Hezezkiah's 1st cake copied Rachel's first one too. :-)
Rachel and Ruth did a great job on the cake. Well done girls.
I really did only give them a very little bit of help. Rachel was a bit nervous with making the mouse and writing Asher's name (even though we had a stencil - at least now she knows how to use it). I also placed the pebbles for the clock face and the heart. And that's it. Good job girls.

Candle lit and time to sing.
Then time to tuck in. She wasn't too sure about all this chocolate stuff. We just used normal white sugar for this cake (which we hardly every use anymore) and so we decided to have it as soon as Asher was up from her morning nap. It's probably the most sugar she has ever had.
Getting a smile for Dad.
Nice and messy. I think she enjoyed the fun of playing with the cake and icing more than actually eating it. :-)
We did her final "first year monthly photo shoot" after lunch. Such a big girl.
We thank the Lord for you.
I decided to put a copy of this photo in here too. It was a lovely little trip to end off a lovely family day together celebrating Asher's life.

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