Thursday, January 16, 2014

Friends, a hospital visit and 11 months

Monday 13th - I knew Asher was feeling much better when she went into the draws again, next to her cot, and took a few items of clothing to sleep with. :-)
Tuesday 14th - Swim week this week. So Kerry organized to have lunch with us today. It was a beautiful sunny day although the wind had a bite to it - so we kept nice and warm in the sun.
Introducing the Spencer family to Dutch Blitz. We had a lot of fun.
Brendon got the 2nd coat on the sides of the deck finished today. A great result after all his effort.
Enjoying Asher's bubbles again.
Wednesday 15th - Noortje came past in the morning and offered to take these two to the play centre for a play. I got this photo as they walked past and headed to her home where Hezekiah enjoyed watching a builder doing some work. With Ruth at swimming lesson, Rachel getting some work done and Asher sleeping - it gave me a wonderful time of quiet to get caught up on a few things at home. What a blessing she was.
We headed down to the pool after dinner (and ended up having to call Nana a bit later). It was so hot and I am glad the children finally got a chance to swim again. Hezekiah will often pray at night "please go swimming pool soon". So his prayer was answered today.
Hannah is not doing swimming lessons this year but it was fun to see her trying to get her head back into the water and float on her back a bit. Ruth is getting really good at handstands and Rachel's swimming is coming along really nicely.
Thursday 16th - we had some stones delivered this morning but they ended up not being what we wanted. We wanted smaller ones for around the berry bushes and fruit trees, but will try find a place to use these. Obviously just the offloading of this was an exciting event for Hannah and Hezekiah.
Then Asher, Ruth and I headed in to the hospital for Asher to just have a follow up with her bloods - to make sure that her white cell count had come back to normal - which it had. It's a blessing that at this stage the medication does not seem to be having any negative effects on her body. We do pray that this continues.
Ruth got to enjoy the Activity area while we waited for the results (and Asher had a nap).
When we left it was SO hot out. And poor Ruth had put a long sleeve shirt on after her swim as she was a bit cold. Up to 34 in Christchurch. We were pleased it was only around 27 when we got home. I have never had our air-conditioner on as much as this hour.
And just look at this happy little girl. She was on her knees "dancing" to the music. So nice to see this happy little girl back.
Here is a little video of her.
She is 11 months old now.
When I weighed her I was SO pleased to see that she had put on weight. I had wondered how much her week in hospital would have effected things.

Sanding so well now and sometimes making an attempt at a step or two.

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