Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Music Festival 2013

No flash photography is allowed during the performance so I quickly got this one before it started - just to give you a general idea of the size of the choir.When seated they take up the whole area behind the stage up to the front of the stage. When they stand to sing they move in though so that they are a bit more compact.
It was such a treat for us to be able to go together. Ruth was very tired by the end of it but as she knew most of the songs (except the orchestral only ones) that helped keep her awake. Finally in bed at 11:30 - so a very late but lovely evening.
Here is a fun one. Rachel is near the top - above the big red clothed school. If you can spot their blue and white checked dresses - Rachel is the 2nd to the right.
 This one gives you a bit of an idea of the orchestra and the size of the choir. Such a wonderful experience.
And a beautiful orchestral piece that I know all the adults will recognize. :-)
Some of their final song.
And some more of it. I could not choose between the two.

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